I met with Professor Rob Eskildsen at Obirin University on Wednesday- his work is outside my field and time period, but he was helpful. He also gave me copies of his articles.
Then yesterday, Thursday, I finally met with Professor Hong Yu-ru at Hitotsubashi University whose research is closest to mine (probably in the world), and she was super nice! She is still young, has published many articles and her newest book won some award in Japan- and she gave me a copy! The book costs 9700 yen plus tax (right now $1=90yen). She also gave me a copy of one of her articles, gave me coffee from Tully(? Tulley?) right when I walked in (she had bought two cups).
After the nearly two-hour talk about research and ourselves (our personal life also), she took me out to lunch! I was so happy to eat with her, and then she would not let me pay for my share. I had Japanese spaghetti for the first time, it was very Japanese because the sauce is this pickled plum vegetable with fatty pork slices. Can you imagine it? The corn soup was salty, but pretty good even though the corn have been crushed to bites. The dessert was really good, I am not sure what it is called. We also had coffee/tea. It was so great.
The story did not end here. We took train together until I transferred to a faster line to get to Shinjuku. We kept on looking at each other and waving to each other until my train moved away. I already like her very much because of her personality and work. Her hospitality really make me feel as if I was floating in the clouds, and as if I was dreaming. It was so unreal.
On the same night as when I had this wonderful experience (yesterday for me), I had another wonderful experience. I met up with Kyoko whom I knew from when I lived in International House at the University of Chicago. We met up in Ginza, walked around and then had sandwich for dinner. She totally spoiled me because she would only go where I want to go. Her words, `if you are happy then I am happy` really warmed up my heart. She has always been sweet, but her hospitality was superb.
There were two other great parts, it is her birthday today but I did not know, yet she gave me presents and treated me dinner! I was so embarrassed when she told me her birthday was today, after she had given me presents and bought me dinner. The presents included yummy Japanese corn stick cookie rolls and a really cute barbie doll dressed up in yukata/kimono (I cannot differentiate clearly) and geta (shoes). The barbie doll is so adorable!
These experiences, and the meeting-up with Colin at Shinjuku and he also treated me wonderful absolutely delicious dinner, all make me wonder if I deserve all these wonderful people`s kindness and love. Of course not to mention how the Japan Foundation Kansai Institute, the program I am in right now studying Japanese, has spoiled me in Japan. I am too lucky! I wonder if I deserve all of these...
I do wonder after all these wonderful things if bad things are going to happen next... There is Chinese proverb and Japanese also use it, that says good things do not necessary lead to good things in the future, and bad things do not necessary lead to bad things next.