We the six-month participants learned and enjoyed making and eating fresh-off-the-pot takoyaki on Friday after our oral test. Teachers bought ingredients and provided the recipe. Tako= octopus, yaki= grill. Takoyaki is an Osaka food. We made batter and put ingredients such as octopus, green onion, hot dog, and corn inside the takoyaki. I think our takoyaki tasted good, probably only because they were fresh off the pot.
Most people brought drinks, alcohol and soft drink. Teachers also brought some Japanese snacks.
At least half of us karaoked. The administrator in charge of our program has the best vocal. Aliza from Russia has a beautiful opera-like voice.
We made takoyaki from 4:30pm to perhaps 5:30pm, and most people stayed until 7pm. I stepped out to have dinner for half hour, but otherwise was in the room until 10:15pm. I did not sing that many songs, but I watched many people. I had fun.
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